Comments for Review

From: nick schepis
Date: 6/28/2007 8:24:21 PM
I have a 1999 black classic. How do I remove the intake restictor? I dropped
carb. Appears to be round collet inside. Is that it? It won't budge. Intake
manifold which is about a quarter inch thick apppears  to be threaded onto pipe into
engine intake. Won't budge either. Any suggestions? Nick
From: John
Date: 9/8/2007 7:13:39 PM
I have a 1999 whizzer.  I would like to know what is involved in advancing the
cam timing and also is it benefical to remove the baffle in the exhaust or drill the
quarter inch hole?  Any help would be appreciated. Thank You John
From: Armando
Date: 12/29/2015 6:52:32 PM
fact that you stole my screen name and made aisinne comments should already show
what type of mentality you and most black women have. You have so many demons on you
that you can't even decipher that I'm obviously a not interested in arguing
about most of the nonsense you're so anxious to argue about. Why don't you go
some where and take your antibiotics and comb those last few strands of hair you have
on that bald head of yours and go fix you some  chitlens . You're just the
typical Americanized black woman that lacks any logic to actually make a decent argument
.You're so jealous of the relationship that me and cheers have on this blog that you
can't even live with yourself (as usual) you really do need to get yourself together
and quit stalking me.

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