Alabama Moped LawsAlabama - researched by SherryBI got this reply from an email query to the Alabama Department of Public Safety:"I hope the following information will be helpful. A motorcycle license is required to drive a moped. Contact the probate office to register and get plates for the moped. Interstate highways are the only prohibited area for operation. Insurance is required effective June 2000. A motorcycle helmet is required. If you have proper lighting, night driving is permitted." Additional info: Alabama requires a title, registration, and a license plate. Registering a moped from a non-title state is a real pain, it has taken us 2 trips to the County Courthouse already. Our particular county (Lauderdale) is requiring a signed, dated, and notorized document on letterhead from the previous owner's county courthouse stating that mopeds are a non-titled object in that state. The previous owner is not willing to wait in line at their courthouse for such a document, so we are hoping that a faxed non-notarized document on letterhead will work. Motorcycle licenses can be issued at age 15 in Alabama.
SherryB More on Alabama - sent by D. Eugene DavisIn State of Alabama, mopeds are classed as motorcycles, thus motorcycle license is needed to operate one. Standard operator's license is NOT sufficient.Titles NOT required for any vehicle pre-1975. Otherwise, switching of title is 18 dollars. Also, a sales tax of 3.75% is levied unless one can offer proof of tax payment on bill of sale. Motorcycle plates are about 11 dollars. Insurance is needed effective 6/2000. I estimate 10 to 20 dollars per month.