--546F70696361-1855916616.480428303.960678169 Content-Type: Text/Plain; CharsetUS-ASCII I have a stock 1970 50V and it will do about 40, does yours have 12mm carb and blunderbus type exaust? if so clean or rebuild carb and exhaust and or you can also drill a few small holes in the baffle if desired and you should be good to go,these bikes are highly considered in certain quarters....... --546F70696361-1855916616.480428303.960678169 Content-Type: text/html I have a stock 1970 50V and it will do about 40, does yours have 12mm carb and blunderbus type exaust? if so clean or rebuild carb and exhaust and or you can also drill a few small holes in the baffle if desired and you should be good to go,these bikes are highly considered in certain quarters....... --546F70696361-1855916616.480428303.960678169--