--546F70696361-1278215581.428565283.960759705 Content-Type: Text/Plain; CharsetUS-ASCII When you finally get your instructions you may have a hard time with the poor english translation. My Kinetic owners manual was converted poorly, as was my Tomos' shop manual. Jim Age 35 Kinetic Mag. Tomos Collibri Harley 1200 Sportster Custom Balto. Md. JIMBO from Dundalk... --546F70696361-1278215581.428565283.960759705 Content-Type: text/html When you finally get your instructions you may have a hard time with the poor english translation. My Kinetic owners manual was converted poorly, as was my Tomos' shop manual. Jim Age 35 Kinetic Mag. Tomos Collibri Harley 1200 Sportster Custom Balto. Md. JIMBO from Dundalk... --546F70696361-1278215581.428565283.960759705--