I would definetly recommend the biturbo. I just bought one with a thinner head gasket from the Mopedwarehouse. they sell them online at www.mopedwarehouse.com. it was a simple bolt on (make sure you get a new exhaust gasket as well). They can probably also set you up with some kind of seat. As for the oil I mix mine at 32 to 1. I also have a puch magnum with oil injection and it seems to use about the same amount of oil per mile so i assume that mixture is good enough. Enjoy you new moped!!! >From: Noogit@aol.com >Reply-To: moped@topica.com >To: moped@topica.com >Subject: Re: PUCH 1978! >Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 06:45:56 -0700 > >How hard is the BiTurbo pipe to instal? does this lessen the "all >original" >factor? >Does anyone have a pic of a PUCH maxi with a buddy seat on the back >rack...i >dont want a bicycle seat back there, hoping there was something made >specifically for it... >Thanks again for everyones input!! >~monkey >list.