On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 05:43:54 TOMKELLEY@webtv.net (THOMAS KELLEY) fired off: > My original post was written to get moped riders to look at legalitites > and where they they stood with the law and their moped operation. If > you are going to break the laws,at least know them and that they do > exisit .You may just meet a lawman or judge who does know them,and > that is your problem.Please don't make it look as all moped riders are > rotten,just because a few are. TOM K I don't think that I'm rotten just because neither I, nor the Calif. DMV, nor local police are sure of the laws pertaining to mopeds. I, as well as others, *are tying to obey the laws*, its just that nobody seems to know quite what the rules are. I have been riding mopeds (and motorcycles & scooters & bicycles) in this state for 30 plus years, no, make that 40+, what with the bicycles, and I have mostly tried to obey what ever rules were in force at the time, as far as they were reasonable. And I don't have a criminal record. None that you can find anyway ;>) Maybe I just never have been caught, hey? Maybe, I'm so rotten that the cops look the other way so as not to have deal with me? I don't think so.