Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 09:09:52
Subject: Re: Derbi Moped Help
From: K. Brant Niggemyer
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That's actully where I bought the moped from.

I guess I didn't want to go back there and spend more money because I was a
little irked about the sitution. The moped was sold "As Is," but I asked Bob if
everything was o.k. with the model before I bought it.

I was told that "We do everyting here to make sure the bike is running well
except body work before we sell it". Seeing as how the muffler was loose, the
battery was dead, the speedometer linkage broken, there is no key, and the
aforementioned wiring problem, I'm not sure how true this statement is.

Bob was however nice enough to give me a new battery at no charge. I was coming
to the list for help becuase I didn't think it would be to hard to get the
headlight wired to the magneto myself If I had a few pointers. I also wanted to
try to get an opinion on if this was the right thing to do, i.e. would it be
better to run the headlight off the magneto and not the battery.

When I asked the mechanic at Handy-Bikes about the wiring issue, he just said
"Well, maybe it's been rewired," and "You wouldn't be able to start it if the
alternator didn't work."

This didn't answer my question, which is "Will running the headlight directly off
the battery drain it at a faster rate than it can be recharged?" So I came to the
list for help.

Thanks for your help though, maybe I'll head back over there and see if they have
a manual.

If you want something done right ... wrote:

> You may want to cantatct Handy-Bikes in Columbus, OH. Thay have experience
> w/ that model, as well as lots of parts and manuals. Call Bob Jones
> 614-299-0550.
> Good Luck Scott H

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