Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 18:43:40
Subject: Re: tachometer on a c90
From: Peter Staal
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go to a car shop, they have em'; for all 4 strokers, one extra wire from the
coil and it is done, some have even contactless sensors, on one sppl cable.
had one on a tuned tomos, but is burns out every time, the voltage gets
dangerously high, and had no extra voltage regulator in line with the

> Hi there,
> > I guess it's almost impossible to put a tacho on a C90. I have an old C90
> from around '67 or '68, and it doesn't have a connector for a tacho. If
> really, really want one, you could try to find an engineer in your
> surroundings who can design one for you. With a few adaptations it would
> possible to put an electronic counting system on the camshaft, but then
> would have to use a digital tacho and some electronics to do some math on
> your signal. The main problem is: as far as I know, there are no complete
> tacho sets that are suitable for a C90.
> > -----Original Message-----
> From:
> To:
> Date: maandag 3 april 2000 7:55
> Subject: tachometer on a c90
> > does ne1 know how i can connect a tachometer to a c90
> thanx
> list.

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