Moped letters> You don't know me, but Here's my situation and I would really> appreciate you help. I am a college student living in a small college town > in Texas, USA, and I need transporataion, and the least expensive I could > think of was a moped. I am new at this, and would like you help in finding > one. There are just two things I need to ask you. > 1. What should I look for in a used moped? > and > 2. How much should I pay for one? > > If you could e-mail me back I would greatly appreciate it. but if you are > short on time thank you any ways. 1) Do not buy anything that's not working perfectly, unless it's very cheap and you are certain you can fix it locally without spending too much.
Things to check: If none of these problems is the case, you might have found a great buy! 2) As far as payment, they can ask as little as $50 or as much as $700. I'd say, if the bike is from the 70's, top would be about $300. If it's newer one, like Tomos, you could spend more (you will also have easier time finding parts). Personally, I bought a used Sachs moped - spent $200 on it and then another $200 for repairs. Seems like it is finally in perfect shape - ran for past month without a single problem. Though, at some point in the past I got so frustrated with it, I went out and bought new Tomos Targa - and that was a damned good idea! I spent $1100 on it, took me a while to recover financially, but the joy and peace of mind were worth it. Check to see if there are moped dealers in your area. Andrew
> Have you seen or heard of the Honda Racoon? > I saw a picture of it at >, but there were no info. It has a > nice clean design, as compared to the Yamaha one (also on the same page). Dan Ma
Hi, Dan! I think, if Honda hasn't started import yet, they may start very soon - in 1995 electric bicycles were nowhere in sight, while today they have at least 5 other competitors in USA alone! Andrew
Hi, Lance! Since you've told me, how you got into moped craze, I'd like to share my story. It did start with Bike Machine - suddenly there was a whole new dimension to bicycling, I could go farther and arrive home still energized. But Bike Machine wasn't perfect - hard to brake, not much suspension, totally useless when the road is wet. So, I started looking for something else. Few shops told me that 'scooters replaced mopeds now', so I gave scooters a try as well. I liked them all - Kasea, Yamaha Razz, Puch and Tomos. But they did seem too costly. From old books, I found that in the 70s mopeds would cost under $500, so I assumed that dealers are simply trying to rip me off... until I found one article from 1977, which compared bicycle, moped and motorcycle - from there I discovered that bikes and motorcycle are also about 3 times as expensive than they used to be. But still, I didn't think I could a spare a thousand - I began looking for a used moped. One guy was selling a couple of Puch-77 bikes for $500 each - I went there for a test ride and loved every second of it... in fact, before leaving, I asked if I could ride it again - and I did! But on the way home, doubts started again - there is no warranty, what if Puch breaks ? So, I haven't bought it. Somewhere at this point I was in a strange state - I didn't yet have a moped myself, but I wanted one badly, so I started reading about them on the Internet and looking for moped books and articles. One of them really touched me - the Moped Fever story ( Another fact that affected my attitude was the fact that I live in Saint Louis - if there is a moped desert, this is the place! No shop with word 'moped' if them, nobody in 'mopeds' category in Yellow Pages. Fortunately, I was persistent enough to call every motorcycle shop in town and found out that some of them sell mopeds adter all. That was better than nothing. Maybe Saint Louis never seen mopeds - maybe the Moped Fever passed this city without touching it. But if not, I just don't get it - how come nobody rides them ? In good weather, moped is so much fun, I wouldn't even consider to drive a car!
So, basically, this is how my self-proclaimed mission started - to let
people know about mopeds.
In the 70s there was a Motorized Bicycle Association - since they
are gone, I took their name and sometimes sign as Boy, this letter is disorganized. But this is how I feel about mopeds and I am glad I could share it with you. Andrew > Could you recommend some books concerning mopeds. I'm interested in the > repair and upkeep as well as just general stuff... As far as I know, they are all out of print now. But it's not hopeless - there are still ways to get them. 1) "The Moped Book" - not very technical, but lots of general info, good thoughts on what mopeds are all about and many pictures. Can buy it from Anna Mae Steel, P.O. Box 79, Nova OH 44859-0079 - SEND $7.50. She sells out of print books and I ordered "The Moped Book" successfully from her. 2) 3 best technical books I've seen are called "Moped Maintenance Manual", "Safe moped operation and repair" and "Mopedaller's Handy Manual". I know of 2 ways to look for them - in the library, search for subject 'mopeds' or title word 'moped' - you should find all of these. It will help if this isn't single library, but network of libraries - for example, here we have county libraries, where I can order book from another branch if ours doesn't have it. Then, there is Amazon bookstore - recently they added out of print books (including almost 50 moped ones) to their list - they don't guarantee that these books can be found, but said they'd look for them and email me prices, if they succeed. > Which is best new scooter/moped, best value, most fun ?
I can talk only about the ones I tried, so here goes. 2) Yamaha Razz - not guite as good. Though the scooter I rode was new, steering wheel was making noise, like it had to be oiled or something. Costs more too - at the dealer I visited, it was $1300. However, Yamaha brand name sounds convincing, so this could be a good choice for peace of mind. 2.5) Honda Elite - the dealer wouldn't let me ride it, so I can't say much about it. Worse for them.
3) Puch moped - looked great and felt wonderful. It wasn't the same Puch as
the one on
- could have been different year model or
something. The one American Jawa offers doesn't look as good to me because
of thin frame.
4) Tomos - was sold by Harley-Davidson shop in our city. They said that I
could get a test ride.
Tomos Targa is the moped I have right now. Bought it in November and love
every minute of owning it.
Targa switches to 2nd speed at about 16mph - once there, it sounds quiet,
almost like electric bicycle.
Whenever weather is good, I leave my car at home and ride moped - can't get
Tomos price range is from $799 to $1200 - more expensive models have oil
injection, which I consider a life saving feature.
I never have to worry about getting oil/gas mixture right and it is great
to be able to fill up right at the gas station.
P.S. Tomos recently came up with a scooter of their own - email for details.
This is interesting indeed.
There was also several Greek sites, one of them says that Honda Astrea is
top selling motorbike in there:
And another link:
I've been to Honda and Yamaha dealerships around here. They carry the
following models (all scooters):
As far as importing to US, I've heard that some manufacturers (like
Piaggio) are not able to import big scooters because of EPA emmission
> *do you go on the main road .
> *do the police stop you ..
> *do you have to get a permint for the moped.
> *do you see alot on the road..
> *How fast do you go..also which moped have you got..
I have Tomos Targa (made in Slovenia).
I absolutely love it!
I also have older german Sachs moped - it needs some work, so I am studying
moped books.
> What is the difference between a scooter and a moped?
> Personally I like the Nitro,
> If I get a moped it will be my first and I'm only 13 ...
> and my dad wants to make sure it as safe a possible. If you have any
facts on the safety
> Do you know which moped/scooter would be
> I have heard of alot
However, the standard Tomos comes with a smaller pipe which doesn't get
nearly as hot.
In fact, I remember once I was riding in the cold, so I stopped, turned off
the engine and warmed
my hands on the exhaust pipe :)